By-Laws of The General Military Council, I.O.O.F.

The By-Laws presented below have been approved by the General Military Council and ratified by The Sovereign Grand Lodge during their annual sessions in 2018. 
(For more information, please contact the Adjutant General.)

Article I

GMC Officers and Duties

Section 1. The Officers as provided for in Chapter XIII, Sections 5 and 6 of The Code of General Laws are as follows:

A. Elective. 
(1) General Commanding/President, one-year term. Deputy General Commanding/1st Vice President, one-year term. Executive Officer/2nd Vice President, one-year term. Adjutant General, three-year term. Quartermaster General, three-year term. Representative to The Sovereign Grand Lodge, two-year term. Alternate Representative to The Sovereign Grand Lodge, two-year term.

(2) When an elective officer of the General Military Council shall have been installed, he/she shall be issued a commission stating the rank and title. If a member is not installed into the position elected to, a commission shall not be issued thus clarifying who is to receive the honors upon visitation. 

(3) When an officer shall have been elected and installed as the Executive Officer/2nd Vice President of this General Military Council, no action by The Sovereign Grand Lodge or this General Military Council will close or disband this organization until such officer so installed shall have concluded their three (3) years progression through the ranks of the chairs of the General Military Council. 

B. Staff.

C. Duties. 
(1) GENERAL COMMANDING: In addition to duties outlined in Chapter XIII of The Code of General Laws, the General Commanding shall visit various units of the Patriarchs Militant Army whenever able to do so. The General Commanding shall encourage all members to carry on the work of the Patriarchs Militant Army and shall be available for counsel and advice to the Department Commanders and Ladies Auxiliary Department Assocation Presidents. Shall issue all orders and directives to the various units of the Patriarchs Militant except those promulgated by the Commander-in-Chief. 

(2) DEPUTY GENERAL COMMANDING: The First Vice President shall perform all duties assigned by the General Military Council, make visitations as may be directed by the General Commanding, visit the various units of the Patriarchs Militant Army whenever possible, giving counsel and advice whenever requested. The Deputy General Commanding must be prepared to assume the duties of the General Commanding in the case of death or total disability of said officer. The Deputy General Commanding shall NOT render any decision which should be the prerogative of the General Commanding. 

(3) EXECUTIVE OFFICER: The Second Vice President shall perform all duties assigned by the General Military Council, make visitations as may be directed by the General Commanding, visit the various units of the Patriarchs Militant Army whenever possible, giving counsel and advice whenever requested. Shall act as Executive Officer of the General Military Council and strive to see that all orders are properly carried out by all units of the Patriarchs Militant. Assume the duties of the First Vice President in the case of death or total disability of that officer. Act in approving or disapproving Constitutions, By-Laws and amendments thereto of Department Councils, or of Cantons and Ladies Auxiliaries Patriarchs Militant under the immediate jurisdiction of the General Commanding, which action shall remain in effect until the next session of the General Military Council. 

(4) ADJUTANT GENERAL: Shall keep a complete record of the session’s business of the General Military Council and within sixty (60) days after the Council session, present the proceedings of the Annual Session to the publisher for printing, the journal to be published at the lowest cost possible. Shall receive the annual reports from Departments and Cantons and compile the information contained therein for the use of the General Commanding and the General Military Council and shall compile or assist the Executive Adjutant General in compiling a full report to The Sovereign Grand Lodge if required. He/She shall issue commissions signed by the General Commanding to the General Military Council officers, Department Commanders, Department Aides to the General Commanding and Special Aides where there are no Departments, receive and carefully care for the monies from the annual dues from Departments to the General Military Council, and keep a detailed account of the same. Shall pay out such monies only authorized by the General Military Council. Shall issue General Orders, circular letters, proclamations, etc., as directed and shall perform such other duties as the General Commanding shall direct. Furnish a proposed budget for the ensuing year to the Finance Committee at each session and shall give such assistance to the Finance Committee as it may require. Shall furnish surety bond as the General Military Council shall direct. The Adjutant General is instructed to return all Department Council Certificates for the Grand Decoration of Chivalry which indicates action was taken at a special session of the Department Council. The application must be postmarked at least 30 days prior to the next annual meeting of the Council, he/she shall also arrange for the Audit of the books of the General Military Council by an outside firm of Auditor(s). 

(5) QUARTERMASTER GENERAL: The Treasurer shall have charge of the special funds of the headquarters of the General Military Council and perform such other duties as the General Commanding may direct and shall make an annual report as to the funds and properties of the Departments and Department Councils. Invest funds in coordination with the Adjutant General. 

(6) CHIEF OF STAFF: The Officer of the Day shall promulgate and direct the execution of orders of the General Commanding during the session and shall have command of the formations and movements of the General Staff in parades, under the direction of the General Commanding. 

(7) INSPECTOR GENERAL: The Inspector General will have charge of the annual inspections of the Patriarchs Militant under the direction of the General Commanding and shall make an annual report. The Adjutant General shall also receive a copy of the same report on forms provided for printing in the Advance Reports and Journal. 

(8) MILITARY ADVISOR, USA: The Military Advisor for the United States shall furnish advice to the General Commanding on all matters of a miliary nature in the United States. 

(9) MILITARY ADVISOR, CANADA: The Military Advisor for Canada shall furnish advice to the General Commanding on all matters of a nature in Canada. 

(10) MILITARY ADVISOR, IN THE INDEPENDENT JURISDICTIONS: The Military Advisor for Independent Jurisdictions shall furnish advice to the General Commanding on all matters of a military matter. 

(11) JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL: The Judge Advocate General (Parliamentarian) shall be the legal advisor of the General Commanding and shall investigate all matters referred to him/her by that officer. Shall submit an annual report to the General Commanding. 

(12) MEDICAL OFFICER: The Medical Officer shall be in command of the Medical and Hospital corps of the Patriarchs Militant Army, under the direction of the General Commanding, to whom shall submit an annual report, and shall be chairman of the Committee on Medical Department. 

(13) EQUIPMENT OFFICER: The Chief of Equipment shall advise and report annually to the General Commanding on all matters relating to the uniform regulations and specifications that may come to the attention or be referred to that officer or by the General Military Council. This member shall be the chairman of the Committee on Equipment. 

(14) CHAPLAIN GENERAL: The Chaplain General shall have charge of devotional exercises at general mobilizations and cantonments and perform the duties prescribed for that office in the Grand Decoration of Chivalry Ceremony when ceremony is conferred at an annual session of the General Military Council and shall promulgate memorial proclamations and compile and submit to the General Commanding annual reports of deaths in the Patriarchs Militant Army each year, and shall be chairman of the Committee on Necrology. 

(15) BANNERET: The Banneret shall have charge of the colors, flags, and banners at general mobilizations and cantonments and parades of the Patriarchs Militant Army. Shall submit an annual report to the General Commanding. 

(16) AIDE TO THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF: The Aide to the Commander-in-Chief shall attend to the needs of the Sovereign Grand Master, when required by that officer, at general mobilizations, cantonments and parades of the Patriarch Militant Army and shall perform such other duties as the Sovereign Grand Master or the General Commanding may direct. 

(17) AIDES TO THE GENERAL COMMANDING: The Aides to the General Commanding shall attend the General Commanding at general mobilizations, cantonments and parades of the Patriarchs Militant Army and perform such duties as may be directed. 

(18) DEPARTMENT AIDES: The Department Aides shall perform such duties in their respective Departments as the General Commanding may from time-to-time direct. They shall also attend to the General Commanding at general mobilizations, cantonments and parades within their respective Departments whenever the General Commanding is in attendance. 

(19) SPECIAL AIDES: There being a jurisdiction without a Department Council, Special Aide with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, who holds a commission with the rank of Past Captain, shall be appointed and is to supervise all Cantons in the jurisdiction, under the direct command of the General Commanding. Working in conjunction with the Adjutant General, they shall attend the General Commanding whenever that officer or their representative is within the jurisdiction on a visitation. Auxiliaries that fall in the same category shall have a Special Aide, who has attained the rank of Past Auxiliary President of the LAPM and is commissioned by the General Commanding. The duties and procedures are issued upon acceptance of this position. (2012)

(20) BUGLER: The Bugler shall sound such Military Bugle Calls as are appropriate during the sessions of the General Military Council, and at such other times as the General Commanding may direct. 

D. Session Officers Duties. 
(1) AIDE TO THE GENERAL COMMANDING: The Aide to the General Commanding shall attend to the General Commanding during the sessions of the General Military Council and shall also be used as a messenger to The Sovereign Grand Lodge and shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the General Commanding or General Military Council, with the rank of Colonel. 


Military Advisors

Section 1. Qualifications.
The Military Advisors provided for in Article I, Section 1-D, shall be active or retired commissioned officers in the regular or reserved Armed Forces of the United States, Canada, or Independent Jurisdiction from which they are appointed. However, in lieu of being an active or retired commissioned officer in the regular or reserve Armed Forces, four (4) years’ service in the Armed Forces and/or all reserved components may be considered sufficient qualifications to serve as Military Advisor. 

These officers to be members of the Patriarchs Militant and the Uniforms of their Armed Services may be recognized as the Uniform of their office of the Patriarchs Militant Army. 

Neglect of Duties

Section 1. Neglect of Duties.
Willful neglect of duties of an office of the General Military Council, by anyone appointed or elected thereto, or to be guilty of conduct unbecoming of an Odd Fellow, is hereby declared to be an offense and the General Commanding is hereby empowered, under The Sovereign Grand Lodge, to remove from such office, any officer convicted of such offense, reporting the action together with all records of the trial, to this General Military Council at its first meeting thereafter, and any such officer shall deliver all monies, books belonging to the General Military Council, to the General Commanding , or his/her successor. 

Positions of Officers During Session

Section 1. Officers.

A. Key Officers. 
The Officers shall occupy the following positions: 

(1) OFFICER OF THE DAY. The Officer of the Day shall occupy a position in the center of the room and to the left of the President.

(2) OFFICER OF THE GUARD. The Officer of the Guard shall occupy the position directly opposite the position of the President. 

(3) SENTINEL AND PICKET. The Sentinel and Picket shall occupy a position at the inner and outer doors, so as to prevent any intrusions during the sessions. 

(4) BUGLER. The Bugler shall occupy a position as designated by the General Commanding. 

(5) BANNERET. The Banneret shall occupy a position on the floor directly to the right of the President. 

(6) CHAPLAIN. The Chaplain shall occupy a position on the floor to the right of the President at the center of the floor opposite the Officer of the Day. During the session, the Chaplain General will not wear a Cap, Gloves, or Sword. 

(7) PRESIDENT. The President shall be stationed in the center of a platform at the head of the room with the First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Quartermaster General at the left and the Secretary (Adjutant General) and assistants to the right. 

B. General Commandings-Retired. 
The General Commandings-Retired shall be stationed in a place of honor on the floor to the right of the General Commanding and immediately to the right front of the platform. 

C. Representatives and Department Commanders.
The Representatives and Department Commanders shall be seated to the left front of the General Commanding.

D. Visitors. 
The Visitors shall be seated to the rea of the meeting room. 

Nominations and Elections

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Information coming soon!

Executive Committee

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Officers Review Board

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Rules of Order

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Committees and Duties

Information coming soon!


Section 1. Legislation.
All items of Legislation that will require action by The Sovereign Grand Lodge, must be submitted early enough in the session, so as to complete action by the General Military Council, not later than the close of the second day. 

Certificates of Release or Transfer

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Department By-Laws

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Per Capita Dues

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Mileage and Per Diem

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Commissions and Fees

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Joint Installation

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Section 1. Seal.
The seal of the General Military Council shall be a round impression type seal. Wording to be: GENERAL MILITARY COUNCIL, I.O.O.F. placed around the perimeter. The center of the seal shall have the crossed crook and sword in the three links of the crown. Wording in the center: ESTABLISHED 1903. 


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Grand Decoration of Chivalry

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Date of Issue for By-Laws

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General Orders

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Sword Proficiency

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Parades and Competitive Drills

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Banners, Guidons, Etc.

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