
Who can join?

Any Third Degree member of and Odd Fellows lodge or a member of the Royal Purple Degree of an Encampment may join.


We reward our members for outstanding work with jewels, ribbons, and other trinkets that can be displayed on their Class A or Class B uniforms.


The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is a worldwide fraternal society with the focus of:

  • Visit the Sick
  • Relieve the Distressed
  • Bury the Dead
  • Educate the Orphan

The I.O.O.F. and the Patriarchs Militant are worldwide. 

Visit Jurisdictions and Special Aides to learn more. 


We are a fraternal society that aides the community and ourselves. 

We care about each other and care about make the world a better place. 


We participate in many events within the community. 

You can always see what we are doing by visiting the Events page (or our Facebook page). 


We are always communicating with other members in different countries and states. 

You would be surprised at how diverse our membership is!

Membership Inquiry

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